The Olorotitan is said to be one of the most beautiful species of Duck-Billed dinosaurs, in fact it's name in Greek means " Giant swan". This dinosaur is one the most unique dinosaurs ever. This dinosaur is said to be about 40 feet long. It has a large hatchet like hollow crest upon its skull, that can be used for many purposes. This crest was supported by 18 vertebrae in the Olortitan's neck, compared to most Duck-Bills who have on 15-16 vertebrae. This dinosaur also has three different parts to its tail which are all connected by expanded skull bones.
This dinosaurs crest has so many purposes. Is crest can be used for striking enemies and possibly scaring them away. It's crest can also help protect it's head and gives coverage over it's eyes. It can even be used for mating purposes and it helps show this dinosaurs true beauty. Its crest is also said to give off a magical tune that was used for both mating and fighting.
So who do you prefer a swan or the Majestic Olorotitan. In my opinion I find dinosaurs more beautiful and unique then any other animals living today. Even though to some this dinosaur is not appealing I find it truly amazing and I see the inner beauty in this dinosaur. Before you judge a dinosaur learn your facts first.
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Good job Tyler! I really liked how you described the dinosaur really well and kind of compared it to the boring animals of today. Very nice.